Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sophomore Year Slump

I'm going to come forward and be perfectly honest. The sophomore slump is a real thing and it is dangerous. As a freshman, everything is new and exciting. Meeting all of your new peers is thrilling and each school event seems like the coolest thing ever because it's something you've never experienced before. As a sophomore, the excitement of going to new events isn't as invigorating and thrilling. In fact, it can be easy to compare each event to "how it was last year." I found myself getting caught in this trap quite often last semester, and I'm sad to admit that it caused me to step into the feeling of being stuck in this "sophomore slump." One of the things I loved most about my school last year was the free movie theater that often shows movies that have just been released on DVD. This year, I can admit to having gone to one movie. If we're being real, I've probably had enough time to go see a few more free movies, but I haven't MADE the time. Making the time is the key word here.

Another thing that I've really struggled with this semester is going to the gym. I used to love going to the gym. I was one of those crazy people that actually woke up in the morning and looked forward to going to spinning class. While I haven't completely given up on gym participation this semester, I can admit that going to the gym has not provided me with very much happiness or been a release from stress as it used to be. This is something I really would like to fix. I've noticed that I really enjoy plyometrics and "leg day", yet I've chosen to ignore these two types of workouts. I honestly can't explain what has pushed me to disliking the gym, but I can assure you that I am going to try to find a new way to enjoy working out again.

These two examples are just to demonstrate that sometimes slumps happen. I think they're perfectly normal. We are all human, and taking breaks from the things you truly enjoy allows you to strengthen your determination to keep going. While I can't promise that I will get just as excited about every single event like I did last year, I can assure you that I will stop myself from comparing them to the year before and I will try my very hardest to focus on how great it has been thrown together THIS year.

If you're falling into the sophomore slump, I recommend taking some time to evaluate the things that made you love school the year before. Or,  if you didn't enjoy school and are still struggling to make some bonds in school, I would encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and try a new activity or join a new club. You never know what you'll find next. College is about stepping outside of your comfort zone and embracing every minute of it. If there's anything I've learned from this year, it's that mental resilience is the only thing that will aid you in your journey into adulthood.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Starbucks and a Friday Night

Happy hour is from 3-5pm at Starbucks until May 10! My sisters and I decided to hit it up and get frappes! I'm so sad that the year has come to an end and that I won't get to see all of my sisters until next year, but I cherish all of the moments that we have had this year. I'll definitely miss all of our random hangouts and sisterhoods. I'll especially miss the endless support and hominess that they supplied me with. Joining ΑΞΔ was definitely the best thing I could have done this year. It gave me a home 1800 miles away from my real home and I will forever me 


The weather here in Pocatello has been beautiful lately! My friend, Kailey, and I have been hiking a lot lately. We found a little dirt park and walked around that the other day too. I'm definitely going to miss all of these paths once I get back home. At least I can enjoy this next week to explore! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

AmaXIng Challenge

Today Alpha XI Delta hosted our AmaXIng Challenge. It was a 3k/5k run to raise funds and awareness for Autism Speaks. We had a lot of fun activities going on, and it was for a great cause. 

I am so proud of us for all of our fundraising this year. We have raised nearly $3500 for Autism Speaks.

Hiking China Peake

Yesterday was such a nice day. My friend, Cassidy, and I decided to go on a hike to get some sun. We hiked China Peake. It took us about an hour, and it was a pretty steep hike. We had a ton of fun though and I definitely feel the burn today! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dance Marathon

Last night I participated in the ISU dance marathon! It was a lot of fun, but mostly it was really just inspiring to see all of us come together and dance for such a great cause. We danced 15 hours from 9pm until 12pm for the children of Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. We even got to meet some of the little boys and girls we were helping. Those little kids are so brave, and enduring. I just can't believe how happy they were to come and hang out with us. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Morning Gym Routine

IToday I woke up early and headed to the gym with Kailey! We did 100 squats, 20 side lunges, 20 split lunges, and worked out our abs. It feels so good to get a workout over with early in the morning and tackle the rest of the day.