Saturday, January 10, 2015

Winter Activities

Rather than bumming and binge-watching Netflix all of break, I decided to get outside with a friend and get some exercise! We used snowshoes to climb up a mountain and see the very beautiful, very covered in powder, Mud Lake. Fortunately, we found some friendly hikers to take a picture of us! The hike was beautiful due to the surrounding mountains, unfortunately the only animal we saw belonged to the pair of hikers. It was a puppy! :)

First Semester of College!

I have finally finished my first semester of college! I would have to say the experiences that I have been faced with over the past fifteen weeks have truly made me grow as a person. First off, experiencing homesickness was something I had never truly had to cope with. I'd been away from my family for a long time before, but I had never had to do it alone. This was definitely one of the worst parts of coming to a new school. With the help Skype and Facetime, it was manageable.

Not only has homesickness been a new thing to cope with, but learning to live with roommates was a big challenge. Roommates are awesome, if you're lucky, you end up with super friendly roommates who will hang out with you and be an amazing friend. However, friendships aside it is still hard to learn to work around a complete stranger's schedule. Showering, cooking, and cleaning can become a huge pain if you don't learn to divide your time, space, and work load.

One last thing that was a bit of a struggle last semester was coming out of my comfort zone. Usually I tend to hang out with just one or two friends. I don't like much of a crowd. After joining a sorority. that tendency quickly had to change. I've learned to be much more open and silly with people rather than closed-off and shy. Additionally, I've really learned to take advantage of all the free activities the campus have to offer. Here at ISU, the school offers many free movie nights, sports events, concerts, and other fun activities.

That being said, here are some of the top memories from my first semester of college! 

Big/ Little Retreat Pledge Class Picture

Pledge Class Fall 2014 Initiation

Roommate Christmas Decorating

ISU Football Game! GO BENGALS!