Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dance Marathon

Last night I participated in the ISU dance marathon! It was a lot of fun, but mostly it was really just inspiring to see all of us come together and dance for such a great cause. We danced 15 hours from 9pm until 12pm for the children of Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. We even got to meet some of the little boys and girls we were helping. Those little kids are so brave, and enduring. I just can't believe how happy they were to come and hang out with us. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Morning Gym Routine

IToday I woke up early and headed to the gym with Kailey! We did 100 squats, 20 side lunges, 20 split lunges, and worked out our abs. It feels so good to get a workout over with early in the morning and tackle the rest of the day. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Greek Banquet

Greek week ended in one of the best ways possible. We had a wonderful banquet that was themed in a way that only makes sense; Mount Olympus. 

At the end of the night, my sorority was crowned Greek Chapter of the year and it was announced that we won penny wars. I am so glad we won penny wars because we raised $1600 for Autism Speaks. Again and again I am realizing how extremely blessed I am to be a part of such an amazing organization. It was beautiful to see all of the Greeks come together and make my very first Greek week one to remember. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Light it Up Blue

My sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, supports Autism Speaks. Our philanthropy is very dear to my heart because all proceeds of our fundraising goes to such an amazing cause. On Thursday, April 2, it was World Autism Awareness Day. In order to bring attention to this, my sisters and I decorated the campus in blue. Here are some pictures from our decorating.

We also had a bake sale and attempted to make cookies in the shape as a puzzle piece. They turned out pretty yummy! 

I'm so proud of my sisters and I for decorating for this event. Although our bake sale did not turn out too well, we still spread awareness for Autism around campus. I was really excited to see that students were taking the time to look at our signs and that they noticed the lights in trees and on the ground. Overall, I would say we had an extremely sucessful Light it Up Blue!