Saturday, September 27, 2014

Homecoming Week!

This week has been crazy! Each day the Alpha Xi Deltas have taken part in some sort of competition. Wednesday we played powderpuff against the Halo club. Unforutnately we lost, however both teams played extremely well. :)      

   Here is a pic of our team      

Friday our sister competed in the homecoming pagent and she was crowned homecoming princess! I'm so proud of our sisters for stepping up, and putting on an awesome show for her! We really did a great job. :) 

Today, the during the last day of homecoming, we had the parade and the football game! We decorated our float with a bengal! 

It's been an amazing experience to show my Bengal Pride with my sisters this week! I finally feel like a part of this school, and a part of my beautiful sorority. This week has been amazing, and I can't wait for next year's homecoming. Go Bengals! 

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