Friday, September 19, 2014

How to Stay Active in College

In college, it can be a bit challenging to stay active. It is SO tempting to watch Netflix and television all day long. The good thing about college is that there are many FREE activities offered to students. Today I going to share a few tips and activities I have found that help me stay active.
  1. Yoga- If you're like me, you might not always enjoy high-intensity work outs. Sometimes its nice to just take things slow. At my school, there are free yoga classes offered every Monday night. Grab a friend and go!

  2. Gym- One of the benefits of paying tuition is the school gym! Usually school gyms are free, and if not they are a nominal price. Try hitting the gym once or twice a week. Bring note cards and study to make the time pass faster... maybe work out next to a cute guy to keep you motivated. Whatever works for you, try it!
  3. Boot Camps/Fitness Classes- My school offers students who are seeking to become personal trainers a chance to run their own class. Take advantage of this and attend their classes! Not only will you be doing yourself a favor, your friend or classmate will appreciate the extra support!
  4. Dance Clubs- Not that kind of dance club! Although, that might be a good option for you too! Some universities offer are dance clubs! I joined a swing-dancing club. It's a good way to meet people and sneak in some fun exercise at the same time
  5. Racquetball, tennis courts, swimming pools, rock-climbing wall- If your school offers any of the following, try them out! You may just find your passion. Bring a friend along and get started!
  6. Intramural Sports- These are a good way to get to know a lot of people and have a good time. Luckily intramural are not usually super competitive, so if you have never played before, people are pretty relaxed about your skill and ability. I've tried softball and kickball which have both allowed me to make friends and have a good time. Check out your student activities office or gym to find out what kind of intramural are offered at your school.
  7. Explore New Paths- If you're on a new campus or living in a new area, chances are there are some cool paths that you haven't hit up. Go on a run, a hike or maybe just a nice long walk. Chances are you will find a beautiful sight, or strike up a nice conversation with a friend if you ask someone to tag along. 

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